  • Ilon gender probegi NFF-89

    Ilon gender probegi NFF-89

    Mahsulot nomi SNOKE Gender Proder Productionlar Mahsulot rangi 6 dona, Soft sirt, ilonli va bardoshli, ilonli va bardoshli, ko'p sifatli po'latdan yasalgan buyumlar, SHFF-89 Mahsulot xususiyatlari Snece-89-ni olish oson emas Zanglamaydigan po'latdan, Saf ...
  • Mahsulot nomi 500ML PRAPRAY BANKA MAHSULOTLARI 8 * 21M 21MM / SHFF-760'mlik materiallari, 500mm * 210 mm * 210mm * SHFF-76 Suv sathi, suv sathining qulay tutqichi va sirpanish dastagini xavfsiz tutish va sirpanish dastagini ushlab turish uchun etarli joy water, chemical...
  • Mahsulot nomi zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan oziq-ovqat ranglari 30 * 8 * 10,5cm qora / kumush materiallar qora tanli va toksikli, uzunligi, 8 sm / 315inch. 4.13 Yuqori, mos o'lchamda, bir nechta kaplumbağa smo uchun birgalikda ishlatilishi mumkin ...
  • Mahsulot nomi Rection Namidifer spetsifikatsiyasi Rangni 20 * 14 * 23 smli plastik model, yalang'ochlangan stakanni, shuningdek, 25 o'rinli rostlash va hattoki yuqori sig'imga mos kelmaydi va hatto katta hajmli sig'imini sozlash suv tez-tez egilishi uchun ...
  • Product Name UV test card Specification Color 8.6*5.4cm Material Plastic Model NFF-71 Product Feature 86*54mm/ 3.39*2.13inch size, convenient to carry The test area is white reptile shape, it will turn purple when test uv light The darker the color, the stronger the UV Product Introduction The size of this UV test card is 86*54mm/ 3.39*2.13inch, convenient to carry. Sinov maydoni oq sudraluvchi shakli, UV yorug'lik paytida binafsha rangga aylanadi. Rang quyuqroq, ...
  • Mahsulot nomi Spray shisha spetsifikatsiyasini 29 * 17.5cm apelsinli materiallar, zo'riqish va ko'zni ushlab turish uchun eng yuqori sifatli tutqich, maydalangan va har qanday suyuqlik bassenka bilan iste'mol qilish qulay Qovurilgan strologik bilan joylashtiring ...
  • Mahsulot nomi Termometer stiker spetsifikatsiyasi 5cm diametrli material modeli NFF-73 Mahsulotning harorat o'lchami 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ Haroratning har xil harorati bilan bir xil rangli tererometr steker 50mm ...
  • Kvadrat sudralgich qum Shovel NFF-45

    Kvadrat sudralgich qum Shovel NFF-45

    Mahsulot nomi Dispirli Spel, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan, uzunlikdagi zanglash uchun uzunlikdagi drainasiz po'lat buyumlar, uzunroq xizmat ko'rsatish uchun uzunroq, uzunroq xizmat ko'rsatish uchun uzunlik, uzunroq xizmat ko'rsatish uchun uzunlikdagi engil, uzunligi uchun uzunlikdagi engil buyumlar, uzunligi uchun uzunligi, uzunligi uchun uzunlikdagi dvigatel buyumlar, uzunligi uchun uzunlikdagi engil buyumlar, uzunlikdagi uzunlikdagi. efficient to clean and remove excrements Comfortable handle de...
  • Mahsulot nomi Tikchi Termometer statistika Rang 13 * 1.8CM Moddiy model NFF-72-modeli NFF ikkalasi ham, Selsiy ham Relius va 94 ~ 0.71. aquarium Different temperature with different color Skin card blister packaging with nomoypet logo Product Introduction T...
  • Silindrsimon hasharot qafasi NFF-70

    Silindrsimon hasharot qafasi NFF-70

    Product Name Cylindrical insect cage Specification Color S-14*18cm M-30*35cm L-35*48cm Green and White Material Polyester Model NFF-70 Product Feature Available in S, M and L three sizes, suitable for insects of different sizes and quantities Foldable, light weight, easy to carry and store Zipper design on the top, easy to open and close Fine breathable mesh for good airflow and viewing Portable rope on the top, Katta o'lchamdagi harakatlanish va olib yurish uchun qulay ...
  • Kamarli hasharotlar qafasi NFF-57

    Kamarli hasharotlar qafasi NFF-57

    Mahsulot nomi Kamarli hasharot qafas spetsifikatsiyasi S-30 * 30 * 30 s-40 * 60cm L-60 * 60 * 60 * 60 * 60 * 60 * 60 * 60 * 60 MOD SAPLECTSIYASI, STAC-57-sonli polity, shuningdek, elastik saqlash uchun qulay bo'lgan. rope) Double zipper design, easy to open and cl...
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