To'lqinli filtr nf-31
Mahsulot nomi To'ldirish Filtr mahsulotlari Mahsulot rangi S-13.5 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.5 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.4 * 5.5 * 5.4 * Suvning kislorodli materiallaridan foydalanish mumkin. Toza va sog'lom hayot ... -
Toshbaqa baliq go'shti osilgan filtr
Mahsulot nomi toshbaqali baliqni ekish Filtr mahsulotlari Mahsulot rangi 22 * 14 * 6 sm Oq mahsulotlar soni NF-17 Mahsulotning suv oqimini sozlash mumkin bo'lgan suv nasoslari. O'simlik va filtr, suvni tozalang. Diametri 135 mm ~ 195 mm bo'lgan idishga osib qo'yish mumkin. Diametri 205 mm ~ 350 mm. (Yon plitasi sotib olish kerak) Mahsulotni kiritish Filtrni kiritish ... -
Ettinchi avlod toshbaqasi NF-28 nasosli tank filtrlash qutisi
Mahsulot nomi Ettinchi avlod toshbo'ron qutisi Mahsulot rangiga kiring - Product Name Hanging waterfall Fish Turtle Tank Filter Product Specifications Product Color 8*15.5*9.3cm Transparent Product Material plastic Product Number NFF-05 Product Features The hanging filter can be hung on the tank without occupying too much pet living space. Filtrlangan biokimyoviy paxtani o'z ichiga oladi, bu suvda zararli moddalarni samarali filtrlashi mumkin. Maslahatga qarshi filtrlash dizayni baliqni filtrga singdirish, uy hayvonlari xavfsizligini ta'minlaydi. ...
- Product Name Hanging filter Product Specifications Product Color 14*7.5*7cm Black Product Material ABS Product Number NFF-51 Product Features Non-slip hook will not scratch the glass tank edge. The filter is connected to the water pump by a hose. The water flows into the tank through 3 times filtering. Mahsulotni joriy qilish Bu akvarium chetiga osilib turishi mumkin bo'lgan maxsus filtr, bu tankning balandligiga qarab osib qo'yishi mumkin. Easy to use, 3-la...
Suv favvora filtri o'rtacha o'lcham
Mahsulot nomi Suv favvora filtri O'rta o'lchamdagi mahsulotning mahsulotlari 24 * 11 * 9cm oq mahsulot materiallari NF-22 mahsuloti uchta qavatli filtrlash, jim va shovqinsiz. Adjustable hanging buckle, suitable for tanks with different thickness. Suv nasoslari va shlanglari alohida sotib olish kerak. Product Introduction The filter can effectively clean the water and increase the oxygen content of the water, which can provide fi... -
- Product Name U-shaped hanging filter Product Specifications Product Color S-15.5*8.5*7cm L-20.5*10.5*9cm Black Product Material plastic Product Number NF-14 Product Features The U-shaped hanging filter can be hung on the fish turtle tank. Round water inlet for easy hose installation. The water outlet is close to the side of the cylinder wall, and the water flows out along the cylinder wall, silent and noiseless. Can freely choose whether to equip with water pump. PR ...
Airdrop filtrini nasos bilan filtrlang
Product Name Airdrop filter with pump Product Specifications Product Color S-5.5*5.5*6cm L-8*8*7.5cm Green Product Material plastic Product Number NF-15 Product Features With water pump which can adjust water flow rate. Tozalangan va qayta ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan suv ichidagi paxtani filtrlang. 2-5 sm balandlikdagi suv sathiga mos keladi. To'rt burchakda assimilyatsiya krujkasi, qimirlamay yoki suzmaydi. Mahsulotni kiritish Airdrop filtri suvni samarali tozalay oladi ... -
- Product Name Turtle fish tank hanging filter Product Specifications Product Color 15.5*8.5*10cm White and black Product Material plastic Product Number NF-16 Product Features With water pump, suitable for water depth below 60cm. Turli qalinlikdagi tanklar uchun mos keladigan sozlanadigan osilgan qisqich. Ikki qavatli filtrlash, samaraliroq. O'simlik va filtr, suvni tozalang. Mahsulotni kiritish Filtr suvni samarali tozalab, okslashni ko'paytirishi mumkin ...