  • Yangi isitish plashi

    Yangi isitish plashi

    Mahsulot nomi Yangi isitish plakki spetsifikatsiyasi 30 * 20 sm 30 * 60cm 360 * 80cm 48w 48w Oq materiallar PVX Model NR-02 o'lchamlari turli xil o'lchamdagi naslchilik qafaslari uchun 4 ta o'lchamda mavjud. Grid structure, uniform heat dissipation. Equipped with adjusting switch, can adjust the temperature according to the need. It has fine individual package. Introduction This heating pad is made of PVC, can be adjusted directly to temperatures between 0 and 35℃. Can be pasted at the...
  • Mahsulot nomi Isitish plashini spetsifikatsiyalash 14x15cm 5w 15x28cm 14w 28x28cm 45w 28x65cm 45W 28X28 * 28w modeli naslchilik qafaslari uchun 7 o'lchamli. Grid structure, uniform heat dissipation. Equipped with adjusting switch, can adjust the temperature according to the need. Introduction The heating pad is made of carbon fiber and silica gel, can be adjusted directly to temperatur...